Monday 29 October 2012

Day 3 - WHY? SANDY, WHY?

Hey everyone,

Sandy came and paid us a visit and we could only stay in the hotel for the day. Relax parents, we're safe in the inn. Since morning, we noticed updates about the hurricane was ongoing throughout the whole day. In the news, it also showed the places that had been shut down like schools and public places. There were updates every minute and the news anchors did not even take a break. This shows how prepared America is when such things happen. Maybe, it has something to do with the fact that America is accustomed to hurricanes and were more prepared to handle them. The news anchors went on to differentiate between Hurricane Irene in 2011 and Hurricane Sandy; and the the differences are truly great. Despite all that, there have been reminders to stay indoors from not only governors but also President Barrack Obama himself. There were emergency support groups on alert and this also showed how prepared they were.

As boredom settled in, curiousity got the better of most of us and we decided to have a taste of the cold winds. Boy, did we regret that decision. These winds were the kind to send shivers down your spine and leave it shivering for some time while your goose bumps and hairs on the back of your necks rise. While indoors however, at around 3pm (which was when they predicted the effects of the hurricane to reach Boston) , the doors to the inn opened ajar and slammed shut. If it were not for the continuous updates about hurricane Sandy on the news every minute, we would have thought that the inn was haunted. In all honesty, it scared the wits out of us the first time we saw it happen.

In the afternoon, Ms Rosie (our tour manager) and two teachers, together with Mr Ken (our bus captain), went to the mart just to buy ingredients to make dinner for us. They made sandwiches for us to eat and it was heavenly, even though some of us did not have much of an appetite during dinner time. We are truly grateful that the teachers are around to care for us and make sure everybody is safe and comfortable.  Over dinner, the teachers shared that when they were in the mart, power supply went out briefly and the mart closed after they left. The other shops in the area were also closed. Why Sandy?
Today, despite the lack of activity, it was still a great day as we got to stay in the inn and had some free time to spend with our friends. Parents, WE ARE SAFE! Things that are shown in the news are not happening to us here! All of us are safe in the inn, alive and kicking. So parents, do not worry. Sandy will not and cannot kill our excitement about this trip! We are looking forward to tomorrow so that we can be back on track with our learning.

Amal and Zhisheng
The Blogging Team

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