Wednesday 31 October 2012

Day 4 - Harvard vs MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Reflection Questions:
What are the differences between MIT & Harvard?
What makes a respectable institution?
What symbols are related to Harvard & MIT?
How far do you agree with Harvard's motto?

Harvard and MIT are two of the most popular universities in the world. We stood on their campuses today.

MIT was fun to explore. There wasn't a prison-like sense to it like in our secondary schools. In our schools, we have to adhere very strictly to school rules and there are fences in our schools. I felt more free at MIT and Harvard. If I were in MIT, I would really be able to get up and go to school every day with a fair amount of enthusiasm.

Harvard appears to be more old-fashioned whereas modern sculptures are seen at MIT. However, the Harvard system felt more appealing to me because of the fact that Harvard allows the students have a year and a half to choose the course of study ( interestingly referred to as a "concentration" rather than a major- could this be an attempt to project an exclusivity) in which they wish to embark on. This is appealing to me because personally, I am still not sure what I want to study in the future. Harvard gives students the option to play around with the subjects , find out what they are interested in and what they are good at.

This trip to the two universities have indeed inspired me and I hope to be able to earn the privilege of attending either of the universities as a student.

Natalie Khoo, 3/4

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