Wednesday 31 October 2012

Day 4 - The Witches' Cottage

Today, we went to the Witches' Cottage to make up for the fact that we did not yesterday as planned. This is my favourite stop - I certainly do not remember being so happy after being scared nearly to death. I sat in front of the stage where it extends out. I guess that is why I enjoyed myself. After this stop, I am able to visualise the Crucible more vividly. I definitely want to go to a stop like this again.
~Sheryl Lim, 3/8

I feel very happy that we were able to visit the Witches' Cottage. The play that we watched really made me feel as if I was a part of the witch-hunt that took place in Massachusetts in 1692. We were all able to feel involved in the witch trial, especially when students were invited to be part of a mini dramatization after the actual performance. A student pretended to be the accused and three others would come up with reasons to explain to the judge why they think the accused is guilty of practising witchcraft. Many of us found the dramatization hilarious. However, it was also effective in helping us to understand how easy it was for the innocent to be put on trial.
~Farzanah Akhbar, 3/8

Day 4 - Observations of the two universities

The entrance of MIT

Crestians leaving their mark in the hallway of MIT

An alumni of MIT cum tour guide for the day, Charlie giving us insights of the campus

A senior, Jem, from Harvard as our tour guide

Harvard's motto

Statue of John Harvard?

The dorms at Harvard University

Compared to MIT, Harvard has a longer history, as a result, achieving more academically and traditionally. Harvard has strict rules such as only allowing freshmen to dine in a specific hall where seniors are not allowed whereas MIT has its own set of "tradition". Details like these contribute to its respectability and elitism. The guides who led us on our tour of the universities are both students, past and present, of the universities. This shows that students who study or have studied in the universities have a strong sense of belonging to the school and are proud to be part of it.
My deepest impression that day was the Harvard Irony: the word "Veritas" which means "Truth" in Latin is in Harvard's motto. Yet, due to the fact that no one ever knew how John Harvard really looked like, it was really a random student's face on the statue of John Harvard. So much for "Veritas"!
Zhe Wei, 3/8

Day 4 - A Day in the life of a Harvard student (creative piece)

        I woke up late again. It was my freshman year and I have been in Harvard for three months now. It was the ninth time I was was running late. I was still adapting to the room mates, the new bed and the difference in time from Singapore. Therefore, I could not sleep and when I did, it was late and hence I had great difficulties waking up on time. I felt tired and lethargic from the stress from school. I jumped out of bed, my thoughts were in a whirl and the thought of being late constantly played on my mind.
        It was 9 am. My breath was foul-smelling. I got a quick shower and brushed my teeth furiously. Six minutes left. I put on my clothes and socks, grabbed my bag and ran out of the room holding my shoes in my hand. As I ran down the corridor, I would hop on one foot to put on my shoe, continue running down the stairs and then putting on the other. Five minutes left. Did I just hear my stomach rumble? I dashed to the canteen. Four minutes left. I got some coffee and a doughnut. Three minutes left. I sped to the campus, running past everyone. Along the way, I knocked into an attractive-looking girl but had no time to talk to her. Two minutes left. I was waiting for the elevator and in the campus, wolfed down the doughnut I grabbed earlier. I had a few sips of hot coffee. There was only one minute left! Up I went, finishing my coffee as I reached the fourth floor. 9.07 am. I was in time for class! How I love the seven minutes rule! How I love Harvard!

~Koh Zhi Sheng, 3/8

        My temples hurt when I woke up. I had been studying at the library the whole night for the upcoming Chemistry exam. Unfortunately, I fell asleep and woke up late. With no time to go back to my dorm, I rushed to my class over at the opposite block.

        It was autumn and the sun shone throughout the campus and I soaked in the ambience. The falling of the yellow and red maple leaves still leaves me in awe, even though its my second year here.

        I entered the class and greeted the lecturer then I sat at my favourite spot with my friends. We agreed to try out the new ice-cream flavour in the cafeteria during lunch.

        The bell rang as the hour passed and after lunch, I changed into my sportswear because my team had a match with the other houses.

        We got our mascot ready and we stepped out of the room with pride and cheers for all to hear.

        This is an average day in Harvard with discipline to learn and being able to spend time and work together with friends. There's no place I'd rather be.

        As I passed by the John Harvard statue, I shook my head at the reminder of the unspoken lie: the face of the statue that bore the name of John Harvard did not belong him as no one knew his actual countenance. As I continued down the path back to my dorm, I pondered upon our school motto: Veritas- Truth. Indeed, the irony is not lost on me.

~Kylie Chia, 3/8

        "This is the day," I told myself as I walked through the famous gates of Harvard. It was my life-long dream to study in such a prestigious school such as Harvard, and I still could not believe I was accepted. Maybe, it was the long sleepless nights preparing for the exams or something else. Maybe, luck was on my side. However, I could feel a weight on my shoulders. Was it the bags full of books over my shoulder, or something more serious?

        Deep within me, I knew what I wanted; at least what they told me. But I wanted something more. I wanted the warmth of family. Being so far away from home, it only seemed like yesterday when I had my farewell party. The laughing and talking all seemed like distant, fond memorie to me. I even started to doubt why I was here. It was then I remembered I was here--to bring pride to my family and happiness to my parents. Sometimes, it is not all about ourselves; sometimes, we spend our whole lives living for others.

        With the tightening of my bag strap, I took my beginning straps on my journey as I clung on to my fond memories, scared to let them go.

~Malcom Teh, 3/4

New Beginnings 

New student. Streaming students.
Unfamiliar faces. Hopeful faces.
Long, never-ending corridors. Classrooms
going on. Increased heartbeat. Different
clouded visions of my future. Will they remain
as illusions of something?
I would constantly pinch myself to make sure
it is not a dream.
Walking to class. Enter class.
My new friends---or opponents?
They smile but some of them would do
anything to be at the top.
I smile, but beneath my veneer, I hope
there is still a trace of sincerity and naivete.
I wait for my learning years to pass
as I grow and nurture with Harvard.
They say one of the students here may be
the people who change your world.
Will I be that one?

~Hafizah Khalid, 3/4

        I was stuck in the underground library, trying to complete my paper that was due the next day. What a stressful life! As the final phrase of my two-thousand word essay bled from my pen, I could sense Freedom right around the corner. It's so stressful but it was also worth it. Upon graduation, the prestige of having studied in one of the best universities in the world would have set me for life. I could become one of the most sought after psychologists.

        As I walked past John Harvard's statue on the campus, strains of my mother's advice came back to me like the familiar brush of a stranger. "Never forget your roots." How could I? For one, I miss my mother's cooking. While I enjoy American cuisine, I stand firmly in my opinion that nothing beats my mother's culinary speciality: "Lemak chilli padi ayam". I also love the local delight, "Laksa", the way my mother prepares it.

        As far as I am concerned, I'll never stop being, or forget how to be an Asian. The Asian values and way of life that I grew up with are still too ingrained in me. Forgetting my roots- that is simply not possible.


The sound of my sisters bickering
The smell of burnt food
Especially when my father is cooking,
The sight of sunny green Singapore
And the warmth of family.
Harvard, on the other hand,
My other family
Facing cold winds together.
I'm here on a mission,
To do really well in my concentration,
Get my degree,
Pack my bags and return
To my island, my home.

~Both by Noor Ainie, 3/8

Day 4 - Harvard vs MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Reflection Questions:
What are the differences between MIT & Harvard?
What makes a respectable institution?
What symbols are related to Harvard & MIT?
How far do you agree with Harvard's motto?

Harvard and MIT are two of the most popular universities in the world. We stood on their campuses today.

MIT was fun to explore. There wasn't a prison-like sense to it like in our secondary schools. In our schools, we have to adhere very strictly to school rules and there are fences in our schools. I felt more free at MIT and Harvard. If I were in MIT, I would really be able to get up and go to school every day with a fair amount of enthusiasm.

Harvard appears to be more old-fashioned whereas modern sculptures are seen at MIT. However, the Harvard system felt more appealing to me because of the fact that Harvard allows the students have a year and a half to choose the course of study ( interestingly referred to as a "concentration" rather than a major- could this be an attempt to project an exclusivity) in which they wish to embark on. This is appealing to me because personally, I am still not sure what I want to study in the future. Harvard gives students the option to play around with the subjects , find out what they are interested in and what they are good at.

This trip to the two universities have indeed inspired me and I hope to be able to earn the privilege of attending either of the universities as a student.

Natalie Khoo, 3/4

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Day 4 - Higlights of the Day (30/10)

Experiencing being in a lecture theatre in MIT

Students listening to our guide, Charlie, with rapt attention
A walk down the streets of Boston 

Visiting the Witches' Cottage

Students taking part in a theatre production at Witches' Cottage

Monday 29 October 2012

Day 3 - A Sensorial Experience (28th Oct 2012)

Fallen leaves on the streets of Salem 
Reflecting under a tree

What adjectives would you use to describe the wind?

Chilly, cold, crisp, wet, nippy

How would you describe the rain falling on your face, the colours of the leaves, the movement of the leaves? 

Beautiful light drizzle, a light spray

A poem inspired by the setting and mood:
Beautiful light drizzle, a light spray
on the face, gentle kiss of rain
I can sit here on the road of
yellow fallen leaves all day.

I feel nothing
A nice nothing.

~Hafizah Khalid, 3/4

Day 3 - Poems inspired by Sandy


"The only thing I like about staying in the hotel today was when we were at the lobby and we did a visualisation exercise. It was a time when my senses heightened and it felt peaceful. I don't get to do this because in Singapore, we are always rushing to place and have no time to ponder about life."
- Sheryl Lim
Sheryl Lim's reflection

More exploratory work...

A collection of sensorial experiences


Riding with the wind,
A ticklish feel,
Icy cold droplets.
Noisy rustling leaves
Drifting to the ground,
Ruffled by the gusty wind
Over the gloomy sky
Petals like raindrops
Swirling in the sky.

~Clara Poh, 4/2

Hurricane Sandy
A gentle kiss
A kiss that woke up all the senses in my body
A body that was already overcome by the coldness
A coldness that was unforgiving to an Asian.

No one knew the severity
No one was prepared
But as Sandy came to Boston to pay a visit
Everyone fled.

We wanted to say hello
But the nippy winds and the thread-like rain
Weren't the best of hosts
A gentle kiss and a rude wake up call
Weren't the best of friends.

~Amal, 3/4

Friend or Foe?
Its speed increases rapidly,
Comes together with sweet gentle tears.
Is it a friend or foe?

It hits the trees,
Making them sway left and right
It becomes colder in the night.

As Sandy passes by,
I see my life move forward.
I remember to live
In the moment.

~Elijah Raj, 4/2

Shake and Shiver
Limbs sway, worshipping the rain,
Wind blows a chilling sonata
Clutching the branches steadily,
Trees shed their coat.

Mechanical machines rush on the roads
As their engine breathe out hot air
All scurrying to the warmth of their homes
Except for us, at a standstill here.

Glee distinct on our faces
As curious people, we open the dorrs
A gush of wind we feel
As rain continues to patter.

Excitement and awe make their mark
Even as we shake and shiver.

~Sim Jia Min, 3/4

Leaves rustling in the distance
Fallen leaves all crisp and dry.
Scattered all over the ground,
A gush of wind helps them go by.

I stand behind the window,
Watching the trees move and sway
Not venturing out of my haven
For fear I will be swept away as well.

Raindrops fall, slanted from the sky
So different from what I am used to.
The wind picks up speed gradually,
"Hello," says Sandy.

~Nur Aqilah, 4/3

A Dance in the Wind
trees dancing to the wind
some willingly, bending,
and swaying like reeds
some seemingly forced.
resisting the might of the wind,
their branches become bare
their limbs become cold.
the wind is sudden.
the wind brings change.
nature stands against change,
and risks it all.
or sways,
never breaking
under the pressure.

it came so suddenly,
out of the blue.

~Goh Muxi, 3/8

An Ode to Sandy
My two brethens,
One standing on each side.
Either one with stories to tell,
In autumn no secrets to hide.

In spring, we are all in our prime,
Lusciously green and swollen with fruits.
But soon we change,
With the passing of time.

In autumn we stand,
Our differences so bold to see.
All three of us succumb to change,
And here the first brethen comes to be.

He stands in the menthol breeze,
Stiff and unyielding.
But he is bare now,
The chill biting his naked, bone-thin being.

The second brethen enjoys change,
And sets a majestic golden crown upon his head.
He is merry, though most of his strength has left,
And his children dance whenever the flute of the wind plays.

I am still the green I had since spring,
For I am different from the rest.
My leaves were needle-like and tough,
Enduring the harsh cold was barely a test.

Water I could store
And that I did for the long winter to come.
Heat I had to conserve,
And my leaves I packed in a tight dome.

My first brethen was earliest to crumble,
The second breezed through Autumn's game
I uphold thrift carefully
And prepare myself before Winter comes.

~Felicia Chow, 3/8

Day 3 - Sandy came to dinner.

Our 'home-made' dinner. Sandy stopping us from leaving the hotel.

Our dinner.

Day 3 - WHY? SANDY, WHY?

Hey everyone,

Sandy came and paid us a visit and we could only stay in the hotel for the day. Relax parents, we're safe in the inn. Since morning, we noticed updates about the hurricane was ongoing throughout the whole day. In the news, it also showed the places that had been shut down like schools and public places. There were updates every minute and the news anchors did not even take a break. This shows how prepared America is when such things happen. Maybe, it has something to do with the fact that America is accustomed to hurricanes and were more prepared to handle them. The news anchors went on to differentiate between Hurricane Irene in 2011 and Hurricane Sandy; and the the differences are truly great. Despite all that, there have been reminders to stay indoors from not only governors but also President Barrack Obama himself. There were emergency support groups on alert and this also showed how prepared they were.

As boredom settled in, curiousity got the better of most of us and we decided to have a taste of the cold winds. Boy, did we regret that decision. These winds were the kind to send shivers down your spine and leave it shivering for some time while your goose bumps and hairs on the back of your necks rise. While indoors however, at around 3pm (which was when they predicted the effects of the hurricane to reach Boston) , the doors to the inn opened ajar and slammed shut. If it were not for the continuous updates about hurricane Sandy on the news every minute, we would have thought that the inn was haunted. In all honesty, it scared the wits out of us the first time we saw it happen.

In the afternoon, Ms Rosie (our tour manager) and two teachers, together with Mr Ken (our bus captain), went to the mart just to buy ingredients to make dinner for us. They made sandwiches for us to eat and it was heavenly, even though some of us did not have much of an appetite during dinner time. We are truly grateful that the teachers are around to care for us and make sure everybody is safe and comfortable.  Over dinner, the teachers shared that when they were in the mart, power supply went out briefly and the mart closed after they left. The other shops in the area were also closed. Why Sandy?
Today, despite the lack of activity, it was still a great day as we got to stay in the inn and had some free time to spend with our friends. Parents, WE ARE SAFE! Things that are shown in the news are not happening to us here! All of us are safe in the inn, alive and kicking. So parents, do not worry. Sandy will not and cannot kill our excitement about this trip! We are looking forward to tomorrow so that we can be back on track with our learning.

Amal and Zhisheng
The Blogging Team

Day 2 -Photos

Not dampened by the weather! Taking learning indoors!
Conversation with students
Learning @ the lobby!
 Malcolm reflecting in his travelogue
Making full use of their time

Day 2 - Some Scenic Shots

- Ms Dawn Lam's iPhone

Day 2 - Photos from students' cameras

Road Signs - From Elijah

Words of wisdom from Nur Sarah and Clara
Getting ready...our contingency plan! - From Ming Hui

Some Group Pictures from Day One

Just before leaving in Terminal 1, Changi Airport
 The Blogging Team (Group A) at the JFK International Airport
 Some students and our guide at the House of Seven Gables, Michael.
 Mrs June Henry leading the students in poetry writing just outside the House of Seven Gables.
Some students waiting to buy lunch - we had sandwiches, fish and chips and more!

Sunday 28 October 2012

Day 2 - Pioneer Village (28th Oct 2012)l

The blacksmith serenading a sea shanty 
Outside the govenor's house 
Students busy spinning wool to make yarn 
Tour guide in character in her Puritan costume 
A dugout of the early settlers

After lunch we headed to the Pioneer Village. Upon reaching, strong gusts of wind welcomed us and we felt very cold as it was drizzling too. We saw the dugouts, the homes of the earliest settlers and it was warm inside when we went in. We were told that many people lived in the dugout and it would be very uncomfortable during summer because it would be very warm and stuffy. However, these dugouts were temporary shelters for the families until the settlers built proper cabins for their families. However, due to the fast approaching winter and space constraint, some even lived in barrels. We also learnt how to spin wool and make it into yarn. It was quite challenging as we had to keep twisting the wool and twirling it around a twig. We also learnt that the pioneers had to have a skill to earn a living. For example, the blacksmith had to maximise use of his tools and the metals he had managed to rake from the surrounding forest and fashioned it into other useful and practical objects. From him, I have learnt that we should treasure things and not be wasteful as everything can be recycled.

It Ying Xin, 3/8

Day 2 - Nathaniel Hawthorne's House (28th Oct 2012)

  • Nathaniel Hawthorne is related to Judge Hathorne, also known as the 'Hanging Judge' in The Crucible.
  • The 'w' has been deliberately added to disassociate himself from the 'Hanging Judge' who did not show any signs of remorse in the aftermath of the Witch Trials.
  • Quotes found on the walls of Nathaniel Hawthorne's  house: 
          1) "Death should take me while I am in the mood."

          2) "Time flies over us but leaves its shadow behind." 

~Ashley Tan, 3/8 

Day 2 - House of Seven Gables (28th Oct 2012)

A group shot outside the House of Seven Gables 

We went to the House of Seven Gables today. The tour was very interesting as the tour guide provided us with plenty of background information and historical details. The house dated back to 1668 and was surrounded by beautiful gardens overlooking the sea. It was an eye-opener to see how the rich in New England lived. Many of the things that we have today are borrowed from the past; we still use them just that they have been improved on over the years. To be honest, I think people from the past were the cleverest. Yes, we learn Mathematics and English in schools nowadays but in the past, people had to invent everything themselves. They had to fix their own problems, innovate and create. This spirit of theirs is very similar to our forefathers. The point is, we do not invent much compared to our ancestors, whether Americans or Singaporeans. Most of the time, we just take the original idea and improve on it a little. We owe so much to the early settlers for helping us improve the quality of our lives that we are living now.
~Natalie Khoo, 3/4

Saturday 27 October 2012

Day 1 - Upon Arriving in New York

*Sniffle* It has been a slightly uncomfortable journey for me from Singapore to New York to Boston in the past 24 hours. I couldn't escape the biting chills from the airports and plane flights that have been a nightmare to my dripping nose. On board the plane, I did learn some very important lessons. In fact, the plane flights were our first test of responsibilty, independence and self-control. Strange, but yes, we had to be responsible over how much rest we gave ourselves. To do so, we had to learn how  to control the temptation to watch every movie that was available on the plane. Our parents were no longer there to nag at us about anything, or choose our meals for us, so we could only like or lump whatever we had on the plane. However, what was crucially important on a flight was that we must uphold great responsibility over our belongings. Losing one ticket, boarding pass or custom declaration, though merely slips of paper to us, may just cost us our flight worth thousands of dollars. Losing one's passport, well, is even worse. Losing someone else's property is the worst of all.  On a happier note, I stepped out of the John F. Kennedy airport only to savour the sweet, crisp, chilly American air as I will never taste in Singapore. All my life I was only familiar with the dense, warm and humid air in Singapore, along with the funny local fashion to wear slippers, thin singlets and khaki pants out to the market; so this was indeed one eye-opener for me, to walk over stranger lands and step into their shoes (and clothes). Right now, I am pining for excercise and something physically-stimulating: you wouldn't believe how uncomfortably stiff you can get from sitting on the plane for an entire day watching movies, and how horribly guilty you will feel gorging on delicious American food and regretting taking in the calories later. Looking forward to something energy-draining tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by!

                                                 Felicia Chow
                                      The Blogging Team

Day 0 - At the Dubai International Airport

We took the A380- the students were absolutely thrilled about it!
- Ms Dawn Lam

Friday 26 October 2012

Day 0 - Before Leaving for US

Hey everyone, 

 Feeling very excited for the trip. I am at the departure hall right now and I can't wait to get on the plane! I look forward to going to America, and learning about the culture there! 10 days, START NOW!!! 

                  Koh Zhisheng
The Blogging Team

Day 0 - USA LIT TRIP (Before Departure)

Two hours left until I can finally embark to The United States Of America and I am still feeling anxious about the trip but am totally focused on learning everything about the land of the free. Not only about the Crucible in Salem but want to further learn about an American's lifestyle and the country's brilliant history. Prior to the preparations for my trip, I still can remember several question I repeatedly keep asking myself like 'Have I brought enough cloths?' and 'Have I packed all the necessary medications?' Now I am thinking can I make it to the airport on time. However, I will greatly miss the smell of local delights like Chicken Rice and Mee Pok for 10 Days but I look forward to the other various types of food in America..

Elijah Raj Abel
(Blogging Team)

Day 0 - Thoughts before going to USA

Thoughts of going to the United States fill my mind with unadulterated joy and anticipation. I have never ventured further than Australia or China, so this would be the furthest journey yet. Though I am slightly frightened by the fact that I would be entering a while new land and forced out of my comfort zone, I still look forward to experiencing new things that I could never experience back here in Singapore. Certainly, I would miss Singapore where my friends and family are, with its food... and my comfortable bed. With the cold weather in America, I would probably miss Singapore's hot weather that I normally detest as well.

This trip is all about learning and exposing ourselves to never-before situations. People around us might ask, "Are you prepared for America?" The answer to that is, "Is America ready for us?"

Goh Mu Xi
The  Blogging Team

Thursday 25 October 2012

Day 0 - Our thoughts before embarking on the USA Expedition

It is almost unbelievable; tomorrow I will be stepping into a plane that will take me to my chilly "candyland". Yes, I am finally flying off to the United States of America tomorrow. Singapore has been my cosy, warm cocoon for almost as long as I can remember, and this restless larvae of fifteen years has been starved of the beauty of the unexplored pworld, stuck in its stuffy wrappings. I thought, perhaps, that sampling American air for a moment would do so much more than simply beefing me up, and that I would fight for a spot to guarantee that holy spot. There was fear in me, yes, imagining I would be surrounded by giants in colossal numbers, intimidated by the vastness of their appetites and having to abandon all my Asian-ic comforts like my mother's cooking for 10 days. However, a queer, burning desperation to explore the world beyond my comfort zone seemed to mask my fears in the end. Exitement was boiling so furiously in me that I would not be surprised to find fireworks shooting up from my tummy and out of my mouth at any moment. Imagine all the places I would visit there, sights I would see, people I would meet, food I will taste and smell ... there are all priceless. Nothing beats experience itself. Never was there such an honour as high as this - to blend into a strange land with its unfamiliar society that would make me the envy of so many. No doubt would this be an absolutely gorgeous, surreal trip  for me and my friends. Look out USA, the bold Asian is coming in!

Felicia Chow
The Blogging Team

Pre trip preparatory work...a glance at our team members at work.

Audio lesson in progress.

Listening to the play The Crucible

and more listening